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DeshiJs Component

To create a component in your framework, follow these steps:

  1. Create a New Component File

    Start by creating a new JavaScript file for your component, e.g., Button.js.

    // Button.js
    import "../assets/styles.css";

    const Button = (props) => {
    return /*html*/ `

    export default Button;

Using a Component

To use your newly created component in an application:

  1. Import and Register the Component

Import the component in your main application file and register it using the useComponent function.

// App.js
import deshi from "//";
import Button from "./components/Button.js";

const App = () => {
return /*html*/ `
<template app>
<btn content="Click me!"></btn>

useComponent("btn", Button);
export default App;

In this example:

  • Button is registered with the identifier "btn".
  • The btn component can now be used in the App template with the <btn></btn> tag.

Component Usage

nside the template of your main application:

  • The <btn> tag will render the Button component.